Friday, June 1, 2012

Now on Twitter...

Up until recently, I did not understand the appeal of Twitter and to a certain extent, I still don't.  It seemed the same as a Facebook status update and I use Facebook just plenty.  I still don't have any interest in following celebrities or my friends on Twitter, but wow, is it awesome for education!

Now that I am excitedly planning our new Tech Boot Camp initiative with a few colleagues (post and announcement coming soon), we created a hashtag for the project on Twitter.  It was finally time - I had to sign up.  I decided to create an account just for my educational purposes and post a few test tweets about the project. 

When you start your Twitter account, it asks you to start by following a few other users and that opened the floodgates for me.  I knew that many interesting organizations were on Twitter, but I hadn't realized just how many and how useful the information would be.  Within a few hours, I was following dozens of educational foundations, teacher bloggers, technology sites, science resources and other organizations.

Each day when I check my feed, I have hundreds of tweets about projects, links, resources and ideas from educators and techies from all over the country.  I even had a national education foundation follow me and check out this blog! 

If you're new to the whole Twitter phenomenon like me or if you have resisted joining altogether, I highly recommend that you start a professional account for educational resources.  If you are like me, you are not at all interested in following movie stars or reality TV personalities, but there is just too much good stuff out there to miss for teachers!  Try it out!


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