Monday, April 30, 2012

The Science of Hockey

There is a case of Flyers Fever going around Philly, and we've got it bad here at Casa Spencer.  While looking into some schedules and stats and, of course, surfing my education- and teacher-related blogs, I found the NBC Learn site and, more specifically, their site on the Science of Hockey.

Each page features videos (with transcripts!) and detailed lesson plans for teachers to use in classrooms.  Being that we are gearing up for our last unit of the year in science, Motion and Forces, and our final foray into Geometry in math, I got pretty excited. 

"The Science of NHL Hockey" site includes lessons on Newton's laws of motion, angles, circles and statistics, to name a few.  Given that playoff season will be in full swing all month, and hopefully the Flyers will stay alive, I am really looking forward to including these videos and lessons into the last few weeks of school!


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